Update from the software division
Hello dear blog,
Since last time in the beginning of summer I have been working on the GPS, the temperature sensor and the accelerometer. Currently we have some problem with the accelerometer since it seems to block the clock signal. In the Arduino Due which is the micro-controller used to talk and integrate with all the electrical devices there exist a bus of the type I2C. This bus has the possibility to talk to 128 devices at the same time but somehow our two devices can’t make friends with eachother. Hopefully the manufacturers can help shine a light on the problem.
The program sourcetree is a program that makes it possible to work on the same file from distant locations. I find it an excellent tool for us, in the software division where not everyone is together at the same location. If Daniel or Rickard, who resides in Luleå works on something in the project I can later easily retrieve those changes on my computer. Highly recommend it for anyone in the same situation.
I will now continue working with integrating the temperature sensor module into FreeRTOS, our operating system. This is where the diagrams we did in the spring as guidelines helps out big time
// Joar